Copper Classic

January 31, 2022
This beautiful rustic style kitchen brings all the comforts of classic design with all the functionality of a modern style.

Magnificent Mouldings

January 26, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is launching 7 new moulding styles this year. These new styles make it easier to create a space perfect for each individuals wants and needs. These moulding styles will be launched across the Select Series, Premier Series, and the Aspire Brand.

Tim Finsted at KBIS 2022

January 25, 2022
Join us at the Wellborn Cabinet KBIS booth #W1536. Contact for press inquiries or for KBIS Scheduling

New Legs to Stand On

January 18, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is releasing 13 new leg designs across the Select Series, Premier Series, and Aspire Brand. These new designs feature multiple styles and hold exceptional potential to turn any household space into something unique and beautiful.

A Stylish End

January 18, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is excited to launch new Island ends in 3 different styles: Shaker, Transitional, and X-Pattern. Wellborn noticed the rise in popularity of these styles and is proud to begin offering these styles in the Select and Premier Series and the Aspire Brand.

A Clean New Pullout

January 18, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is launching a new pullout in 2022 and can’t wait for it to become available. This 12” base pullout features a built in paper towel holder and bottom shelf, making organizing cleaning products easier than ever.

Contact Information

Public Relations Specialist
Kasey White
800.762.4475 ext. 2495

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P.O. Box 1210
38669 Hwy 77 S.
Ashland, AL 36251
Website selection may not be exactly what is available. Wellborn reserves the right to make revisions without notice to product specifications. Please contact your Wellborn Dealer for Availability.