Wellborn Cabinet Helps a Hero

December 7, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc is proud to partner with Helping a Hero to bring an accessible home to wounded Marine Eric Frazier.

Kitchen Organization

December 6, 2022
Organizing your kitchen is key to a happy home...these products are here to help.

Organize Your Bathroom

December 6, 2022
Organize your bathroom the right way with these Wellborn Cabinet organizational tools.

Upper Cabinetry Storage

December 5, 2022
Need some ways to spruce up those upper cabinets? Wellborn Cabinet, Inc proudly offers amazing organizational tools just for that.

Wellborn Cabinet, Inc Expanding to Oxford, Alabama

November 7, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is excited to announce the creation of a $17 million expansion in the form of a 250,000-square-foot facility in Oxford, creating 415 new jobs. This facility will begin to make a new brand of kitchen and bath cabinetry product.

Wellborn Cabinet, Inc Endorses American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance

August 31, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc is proud to share its endorsement of the American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance’s (AKCA) trade case against China once again. AKCA promotes workers and protects the industry through its lawsuit, alleging that the American cabinet industry is threatened and materially injured once again by dumping foreign-government-subsidized imports from China.

Contact Information

Public Relations Specialist
Kasey White
800.762.4475 ext. 2495

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P.O. Box 1210
38669 Hwy 77 S.
Ashland, AL 36251
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