A Step in the Right Direction

January 17, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is releasing a new option for the filler pullout this year in the Select and Premier Series and Aspire Brand. This is a 6” base filler pullout that features a step ladder in a unique caddy design.

A Spacious Addition

January 17, 2022
With apartments and the tiny home trend, small kitchens are becoming standard, making storage space more important than ever.

A Design With Space in Mind

January 17, 2022
Wellborn knows that every inch of storage space counts in a small kitchen and these cabinets were made with that in mind.

Slim Shaker Takes Top Spot

January 11, 2022
Wellborn Cabinet is proud to offer Slim Shaker doors that are a modern twist off of the traditional Shaker style.

Revealing River Rock

December 3, 2021
Homeowners and designers alike are feeling the urge to bring the outdoors in and this warmer blonde does just that.

Charming Celtic

December 3, 2021
This velvety Celtic is Wellborn Cabinet's newest finish. Designed to be striking and serve as a focal point, it brings elements of growth and nature into the home.

Contact Information

Public Relations Specialist
Kasey White
800.762.4475 ext. 2495

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P.O. Box 1210
38669 Hwy 77 S.
Ashland, AL 36251
Website selection may not be exactly what is available. Wellborn reserves the right to make revisions without notice to product specifications. Please contact your Wellborn Dealer for Availability.