kitchen island with storage and seating area

7 Ways A Kitchen Island Will Make Your Life Easier

A kitchen island is more than just a piece of furniture. It’s a multi-functional hub that can simplify your life and transform your kitchen into a more efficient and enjoyable space. In fact, it’s one of the kitchen design trends that won’t go out of style anytime soon. Whether cooking up a storm, entertaining guests …

white kitchen cabinets with white kitchen island

5 Things That Damage Your Kitchen Cabinets

The majority of kitchen cabinets, particularly those made out of wood, are designed to survive for many years. The timeless elegance of high-quality solid wood cabinets makes them a perfect complement to any kitchen. However, no matter the material of the cabinet, as time passes, some form of damage is bound to happen. At first …


Floating Kitchen Shelves vs. Cabinets

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. A well-designed kitchen is the perfect place to prepare delicious meals, gather friends and family and entertain.  If you’re remodeling your kitchen or designing a new one, you likely have many different decisions to make. You want to create a stylish and beautiful room with storage that maximizes the …

How To Update Your Kitchen Design this Fall

The kitchen is the heart of a home. As the cold weather approaches, we’re bound to spend more time in it. So why not focus your energy on bettering your living environment and use this fall to update your kitchen design? Even the smallest home improvements can boost our mood and increase our satisfaction with …

Modern gold accented bedroom with designer laminate cabinetry

Practical Tips for Designing Your Master Bedroom and Bathroom

The master bedroom and bathroom are a significant feature of any house, but bedrooms are also somewhere to relax and rest. When designing your bedroom and bathroom, you should enjoy planning how your bedroom and bathroom will become a peaceful haven or relaxing space after a busy day. Design Your Bedroom and Bathroom to Make …

Kids Bunks with Side Storage

Organize Your Kids’ Room with These Smart Design Solutions

Dealing with your kids’ stuff – the bane of parenthood. No matter how tiny your tiny humans are, their stuff sure takes up a lot of space. If you aren’t badgering your children to clean up after themselves, then you’re down on all fours in the playroom at 11:00 p.m. hunting for every last piece …

2020-2021 Design Contest Winners: Small Kitchen

Every day Wellborn Cabinet partners are designing beautiful kitchens for renovations, remodels, or newly constructed homes. Wellborn Cabinet and a panel of the top industry designers have chosen three of the best small kitchen designs from the past year and an Honorable Mention from our Small Kitchen 2020-2021 Design Contest winners. These designs were judged …

aging in place kitchen

Aging in Place Design vs.Universal Design for Homeowners

“Universal Design” and “Aging in Place Design” have gained popularity in recent years; while they are similar, they do differ quite a bit in execution. Aging in Place design is commonly used for homeowners who require home modifications to allow them to remain in the home safely and comfortably as they age, and their physical …

2020 Color Trends

In the 2020 color trends, there is an opening to a range of other impactful hues, especially for cabinets. Finding the right hue for your cabinets can be a challenging process; everything from the style of your cabinets to the amount of natural light your space receives as key factors to consider when choosing a color. Please visit …

Top Kitchen Trends of 2019

Every year, the top kitchen trends provide homeowners a focus on ways to refresh their spaces. Last year, kitchens were all about everything from cozy banquette-style seating to striking two-toned kitchen cabinetry, so what has dominated cooking spaces in 2019 so far? For insights, we checked in with some of our go-to designers to find …