Baths, Color, Dealers, Design, Design Trends, Designers, Fashion, Food, Inspiration, Interior Design, Islands, KBIS, Kitchens, Remodeling

Calling All Bloggers – Guest Blogger Spots Available!

Guest Blogger Submission Guidelines

What we’re looking for: 

We’re looking for well-written posts/articles that consumers, designers, dealers, remodelers, builders, all business owners, entrepreneurs, food junkies, etc. would enjoy. Kitchens, Bathrooms, Homes, Interior Design, Color, Lighting, Organization, Storage, countertops, the list goes on & on!


Step One:

Submit a topic and a brief overview of the post content. You will get an approval or request for revision within 48 hours.

Once topic is approved follow the guidelines below for your post.

  • 400 words minimum
  • The post must be useful to the readers of this blog.
  • The post must be grammatically correct and well-written, Spell check before submitting your article(s).
  • The post must not include competitor links, competitor images or reference to our competition and must not be entirely self-promotional. No links to questionable websites (link farms, adult, etc.)
  • You are welcome to use images from our websites. If you use an image that is not yours please create a link to the owner’s site or note ownership on the image. We love images!!!
  • We reserve the right to edit your article (header tags, punctuation, grammar, etc.) and remove any questionable links.

Author Profile at the End:

The post may include links to your website and blog in a brief author’s bio. (Approximately 3 sentences), which will be published at the end of the guest post.

                          • You are welcome to include an author photo or logo.   
  • Links to your social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+) can be included in your author profile.

Exciting News!!!

After your blog has been posted you will be included in our “GUEST BLOGGERS” section in the right hand column of our blog and you will be able to submit posts/ articles for consideration at any time. Your logo and a link to your website or blog will be included.

*Time frame: Once a post has been submitted, reviewed and scheduled it usually takes about 2 weeks. We want to create a “social relationship” around the post across all our sites and that requires planning.  Please note you will be notified of date and time of post, so you can promote across your social sites as well.

*Time frame can be subject to change without notice.


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1 Comment

  1. So, You Want To Be A Guest Diva? | The Cheeky Diva says:

    […] Calling All Bloggers – Guest Blogger Spots Available! […]

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