About Wellborn Cabinet, Inc., Dealers, Design, Interior Design, Interior Designers, KBIS, Kitchens

Wellborn at KBIS represents NOLA with a Twist!


(I call this post – our commercial break) 🙂  is that legal with blogging? lol

Our theme for this year’s KBIS (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show) hosted in New Orleans is NOLA.  NOLA is a well known acronym for New Orleans and now it is a great representation for Wellborn’s presence at the 2013 show.

We created a theme that encompasses the location, our message and commitment to current and future dealers, customers and employees and the importance of all.

So what does NOLA mean to Wellborn?

kNowledge: Why join forces with Wellborn? We have the brightest in the business in Production, Sales, Technology, Marketing, etc. all with industry leading programs for the building and remodeling markets with the knowledge, tools and training to help you succeed in your K&B profession.

Opportunities: Great opportunities are available for dealers, contractors and builders. We offer programs that others do not, programs that allow you to grow your business in ways that you had not imagined.

Learning: Come to the Wellborn booth to hear informative presentations about industry trends, design and other areas of interest that could affect you as a K&B professional. But it doesn’t stop there! We will also be part of the official KBIS presentations as well.

Achieve: With Wellborn you are part of a family – –  – become part of our team and you can achieve your business goals with Wellborn.

Can’t wait to see you there! 

Are you interested in becoming a dealer and would like to set up an appointment at the show? Are you with the press or a design industry blogger and like a booth tour?                                                                                                          Email: Melinda Miller (melindam@old.wellborn.com) or Brooke Herren (bherren@old.wellborn.com) to set that up!

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